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Read, Renew, Repeat ~Children's Registration
This form is for Ages 3-12. Sign your child up for the Lamoni Public Library's Summer Programming.
Make sure to pick up a FREE goodie bag at the library with your reading log and to check out our website (
) for the Summer Program Calendar.
Sign in to Google
to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
First and Last Name of Child
Your answer
First and Last Name of Parent/Guardian
Your answer
Your answer
Going into which grade?
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Parent/Guardian phone
Your answer
Parent/Guardian email
Your answer
Do you plan on attending any of our STORYTIME Events? (check all that apply)
These are Storytime programs ONLY held on Wednesday mornings at 10am.
Crafts and activities will be provided at each storytime!
Mark dates you HOPE to attend.
06/19 Read Renew Repeat
06/26 Endangered Animals and Pollinators with Kayla Clausen
07/10 Bees Bugs & Bettering the Outdoors with Jason Smith
07/17 Nature Day! A moring full of crafting stations and more!
Not interested
Do you plan on attending our other Summer Events?
This includes: Science Heroes, Magic Show, and Exotic Reptile presentation and events outside of Wednesday morning storytimes.
Any allergies to food or art materials? (please specify)
Your answer
Other thoughts or comments
If you DON'T want pictures of you child on Facebook or the Newspaper please make note here.
Your answer
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