Volunteer Sign-Up
Dumplings for Therapy | AAJA-NY x Nom Wah

Thanks for showing interest in volunteering! On Saturday, May 8th, we'll be hand-delivering frozen Nom Wah dumplings across Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens.

* If you have a car, a bike, or some means of zipping across boroughs, we need your help! *

Note that all COVID-19 precautions will be taken, more details to follow.

For more information about AAJA-NY's Dumplings for Therapy Fundraiser:

Questions? Don't hesitate to reach out: aajanychapter@gmail.com
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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Are you an AAJA member? *
It's not mandatory to be a member in order to volunteer. We're just curious!
Which day-of services are you able to offer in support of Dumplings for Therapy? *
What is your general availability on Saturday, May 8th? *
Specific timeframes for volunteering will be confirmed at a later date.
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