Application for Financial Assistance
As part of Whitewater Pride's "The Good" initiative, once per year, we will select and donated to a local organization that supports a safe, affirming, inclusive environment for students. All applicants must complete this form in its entirety to be considered.
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Email *
What is your name? *
What are your pronouns? *
What is your organization/club's name? *
What position do you hold? (ex, Advisor, Educator, Club President, Community Member, etc)
Please indicate if your organization/club is an affiliate of another organization/corporation/public/private entity. 
For example, Ferradermis Robotics would be under Whitewater Unified School District.
What is the purpose of the funds that are being requested? *
What is the total cost of the event/need? *
How much money would help you make this event/need a success? *
If you have social media pages, please list them below.
I certify that my club/organization serves the Whitewater community. *
I certify that my club/organization supports a safe, affirming, inclusive environment. *
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