Litter Intelligence Education Programme: Express Interest (NZ only)
If you are a school principal or teacher and are interested in the Litter Intelligence Education Programme, then we would love to hear from you. Please note that this programme is currently on hold. You are welcome to register your interest but we won't be getting back to you until we pick this up again, at an uncertain time. If you're outside of NZ, please contact Sustainable Coastlines directly.

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
NZ Region *
School or Organisation you're affiliated with *
Write 'n/a' if this doesn't apply to you.
Contact Phone *
How would you like to be involved? *
Check all that apply to you
Where do you want to get involved in Litter Intelligence? *
Tick all regions that apply.
Beach / coast you are most interested in protecting. *
Include the region and nearest town or city. List as many beaches / coastal sites as you like.
Any further comments? This could include how and why you would like to be involved.
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