Register for 4-day Summer Teacher Institute at Belle Isle Aquarium for 2020
Please complete this registration form for the 4-day Summer Institute for 5th grade DPSCD teachers, entitled "Promoting Student Interest in Science and Science Careers through a Place-based Environmental Educational Program at a Public Aquarium."  Participation in the Institute is required in order to bring your 5th grade class on a field trip to the Belle Isle Aquarium, to earn stipends for participating in the project, and to apply for classroom grants that the National Science Foundation-sponsored project offers to 5th grade teachers and their students in DPSCD.

This form has been approved by the Wayne State University Institutional Review Board for use during the period of June 2, 2020 to May 6, 2021.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Home Address *
Please type your COMPLETE address:  Street or PO Box, City, State, Zipcode
School Phone Number *
Please include area code
Cell or Home Phone Number *
Please include area code
Name of School *
School Address *
Please include street or PO Box address, city, state, and zip code
Subjects You Currently Teach *
Are you currently teaching the 5th grade? *
Areas of Teacher Certification
Please indicate any special dietary needs.
Please indicate your availability to participate in the summer institute in 2020. If you are not available to attend the Summer Institute in 2020, please indicate whether you are willing to be part of a "non-Institute" comparison group that will be eligible to bring your class to the Aquarium and participate in other grant-funded activities. *
I heard about this Institute from (check ALL boxes that apply)
Have you visited the Belle Isle Aquarium
Which type of credit do you prefer to earn for attending the 4-day summer teacher institute: *
As a project participant, I agree to: *
Please read and indicate your agreement by checking each box.
I agree to the statements above. *
Please enter your NAME and DATE in the box below.
Please list any questions you may have.
To participate in this Online professional development, you will need to use a device (e.g., a laptop computer) capable of communicating audio and video via Zoom.  If you do not have the equipment or need advice on using the software for Zoom, please comment here.  We will assist you in your technology or any other needs that you express here.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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