Language Programs in Arbor School 2021-2022
We are looking forward to arranging Language ASA for the following languages: French, Hindi, Italian, Russian, Portuguese. The groups will be formed as per the kids´ age and level, a minimum number of participants (3) will be required to start a batch.  

The classes will be arranged 1-2  times per week (60 min classes for Grade 1-9 and 45 min for FS)  after school. The price per 45 min session is 95 AED and per 60 min session - 110 AED, the payment is taken by term. The fees include 5% VAT and learning materials.

If you wish to know more about the provider, please
сheck here or go to the website

* Kindly fill in a separate form for each child and for each language you are interested in.
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Parent's name *
Language *
Email *
Phone number *
Child's full name *
Child´s Grade in current 2021-2022 academic year *
Age (as of now) *
Program type *
You can sign up your kid to a Mother Tongue program (the language you speak at home) or choose to study a new language as a foreign one. The Mother Tongue program will be in line with the national school curriculum.
Level of language *
If your child studied the language before, please, specify in your own words how long he/she studied (how many years/hours), where he/she studied, what your child has learned. This will help us identify the level prior to the assessment.
Additional information about the level (which curriculum was followed, books used, knowledge of alphabet, can /can't read, can /can't write, where did the child study the language, etc)
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