活动内容 Activities:
✅教育理念交流 Exchange of educational philosophy
✅参访台湾多家著名大学 Visits to many famous universities in Taiwan
✅提升教学技巧及心灵素质 Enhancement of teaching skills and spirituality
对象 Target Group :
佛学班老师、教育工作者 Dharma class teachers, educators
人数 Number of People:
20-30人(名额有限,先到先得)20-30 People (Limited places, first come first served)
费用 Fees:RM2,699 (包含七天住宿、早餐、午餐、部分晚餐、游览巴士费用、导游及基本台湾旅游保险 including seven days accommodation, breakfast, lunch, some dinner, excursion bus fees, tour guide and basic Taiwan travel insurance)
✅ 自行购买机票 Purchase your own flight tickets
报名截止 Closing Date of Registration:01/05/2024 or 额满为止until full
洽询专线 Inquiry Hotline:
黄翠蘋 Wong Chiew Peng (013-6421891)