马佛青台湾教育参访学习团简章和报名表格  YBAM Study Tour To Taiwan General Regulation and Registration Form
主办单位 Organiser: 马来西亚佛教青年总会 Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia 

目标 Objectives: 
1. 促进马台双边教育交流。
To promote bilateral educational exchanges between Malaysia and Taiwan.
2. 让马来西亚老师及教育工作者了解台湾佛教及教育理念。
To enable Malaysian teachers and educators to understand Taiwan's Buddhist and educational philosophies.
3. 让马来西亚及台湾的教育工作者互相了解彼此的教育理念,从而提升各自的教学技巧及心灵素质 
To enable Malaysian and Taiwanese educators to understand each other's educational  philosophies and thus enhance their teaching skills and spirituality.

日期 Date:14/09/2024 - 20/09/2024 (七天六夜7 Days 6 Nights)

集合地点 Meeting Point: 台北桃园机场 Taoyuan Airport

活动内容 Activities:
✅教育理念交流 Exchange of educational philosophy
✅参访台湾多家著名大学 Visits to many famous universities in Taiwan
✅提升教学技巧及心灵素质 Enhancement of teaching skills and spirituality

对象 Target Group :
佛学班老师、教育工作者 Dharma class teachers, educators

人数 Number of People:
20-30人(名额有限,先到先得)20-30 People (Limited places, first come first served)

费用 Fees:RM2,699 (包含七天住宿、早餐、午餐、部分晚餐、游览巴士费用、导游及基本台湾旅游保险 including seven days accommodation, breakfast, lunch, some dinner, excursion bus fees, tour guide and basic Taiwan travel insurance) 
✅ 自行购买机票 Purchase your own flight tickets

报名截止 Closing Date of Registration:01/05/2024 or 额满为止until full

洽询专线 Inquiry Hotline:
黄翠蘋 Wong Chiew Peng (013-6421891)

备注 Remarks:
Only those who complete the online registration is considered as completing the registration process.  
The fee payment will need to be completed within a period which will be informed later.  
There are limited places, and no refunds will be given to those who are successfully admitted if they are unable to attend.  
The itinerary, food, transport, and accommodation of the study tour is subject to change. The details will be provided during a briefing session after being accepted.
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