"Zendesk from Home" Suggestions
Thank you for tuning into our video series, "Zendesk from Home". "Zendesk from Home" was created to provide strategic guidance in an interactive, human, and bite-sized way. We'd love your insight on what content you'd like to see next!

This is the place for strategic guidance based on new initiatives you're launching or KPIs you're trying to reach. If you need customer support or have technical questions, please reach out to support@zendesk.com.
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Email Address (we will only use this to let you know if your requested video has been produced or to follow-up for more information): *
What strategic topic would you like the "Zendesk from Home" Team to address? *
In what way does this strategic topic apply to your current use case? *
Any overall feedback on your "Zendesk from Home" experience so far? (optional)
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