A self-management questionnaire
Getting work-ready means becoming more independent and responsible. When the days of the lateness register at school are over, if you arrive at work late, there will be consequences, like having your pay docked and/or a boss and workmates who are angry with you for holding them up. Getting organised and being responsible is a mindset. If you are used to others picking up the slack for you, you may have developed some bad habits. On the other hand, if you’re used to taking charge of yourself, you may have built up some good habits instead. Complete this questionnaire to see if there are any areas where you might need to improve your self-management. If not, you can go ahead and pat yourself on the back for being a great self-manager!
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How would you rate yourself in terms of managing your time? *
When people talk about health and safety, how do you react? *
How organised are you in the morning? *
When you are talking with your mates, how careful are you with your words and actions to make sure you are being friendly and thoughtful? *
When you imagine yourself talking with your future boss, how careful do you think you should be with what you say? *
What do you think “shows commitment at work” means? *
How responsible are you? *
How good are you at following instructions? *
Would people describe you as being dependable? *
How much care do you give to being fit and healthy? *
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