Poto MBA Board Interest Form
The Potawatomi Mountain Biking Association (Poto MBA) is looking for qualified candidates to join our Board of Directors.  Our all-volunteer Board sets strategy and policy, chairs our committees, manages membership, volunteer efforts, and finances. We also plan exciting events, fund raise for and assist with development and maintenance of Poto MBA’s trails.  

If you think you have what it takes to join our organization at the highest level, please fill out the form below.  

Please contact info@potomba.org if you have any questions or issues with completion of this form.

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Name *
Are you a member of International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA)? *
What Poto MBA volunteer activities have you previously been involved with? Check all that apply. *
Please provide a short description of the Poto MBA volunteer activities noted above.
What Poto MBA Board activities are you interested in getting involved with? Check all that apply. *
Outside of trail activities, what other types of volunteer activities are you currently or previously involved with? Please describe where you were involved, the type of involvement, and how long you volunteered.
What is your professional/occupational background? *
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How much time do you have available to commit during the upcoming year? *
What types of non-motorized trail activities do you participate in? Check all that apply.
Anything else you’d like to share about yourself relevant to potential Poto MBA Board involvement?
In which county do you live? *
Email address *
Phone number *
Which 1-2 trails do you ride most frequently?
Thank you for your interest! We'll be in touch if we think you may be a great fit.
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