GMPR Foster Application
Use this form to submit an application to provide care to dogs for GMPR. After your application is received, we will have a volunteer contact you to schedule a home visit. Please allow at 3-5 business days for us to arrange a volunteer.

Foster homes are crucial to our rescue group, thanks for helping!

We need foster homes in Northern NY area, all of Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Western Maine (South or West of Augusta). If you want to assist us in short term care or long term care, complete and send us this form.

GMPR does not have a "shelter". All of our surrenders go directly to an approved and inspected foster home where they will receive any medical care necessary and lots of love and support. Being a foster is challenging. A foster is the one who will get the pug(s) ready for their new homes.

Many of our rescue pugs come to us with health issues, some minor, some major. GMPR will cover approved costs of caring for GMPR pugs, including veterinarian expenses and food. Many of our foster homes do decide to provide their own food for pugs in GMPR's care as part of their support to GMPR.

We are always in need of loving, caring, committed foster homes. Our ability to rescue depends greatly on having fosters who will answer the call when needed. It is a huge, but rewarding responsibility. Please volunteer if you are ready for that commitment.

NOTE: We do not offer a foster-to-adopt program, please only submit a foster application if you are serious about volunteering to care for GMPR pugs with the expectation that another family will be adopting your GMPR dog.
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Full Name *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
How long have you been at your current address? *
Age *
Phone Numbers  (please include all numbers to reach you including home, work & cell) *
Email Address *
Please provide us with the name and phone number of your employer and length of employment *
How many hours a day would a Pug be home alone without a family member? *
Where will the Pug be when it is home alone?
Please provide us with the name, address and phone number of your veterinarian.  If you don't have a vet, then the name and phone of the vet that you plan to use for the rescue dog. *
Does your vet office provide discounts to shelters or rescues? (NOTE: If your vet does not provide a discount, you will be required to take your foster pug to a veterinarian approved by GMPR) *
If yes, how much discount does your vet give to rescue groups?
How far are you willing to travel to a GMPR approved veterinarian? *
Please provide us with two references and their phone numbers.  One of the references must not be related to you. *
Do you own or rent your home? *
If renting, please provide landlords name & number.
If you have a Landlord, are pets approved?
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Describe your household: *
Do you have a fenced-in yard? *
Do you have a pool? *
How did you hear about Green Mountain Pug Rescue? *
Do you know any GMPR Alumni or volunteers? (If you do, please list their names) *
Do you now have, or ever had a Pug? *
If no, have you thoroughly researched the Pug breed?
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Describe your experience with the Pug breed: *
Why do you want to become a Foster Family for GMPR? *
Have you ever provided care to animals from a shelter or rescue before? *
If yes, describe the experience:
Most rescue dogs are good with children.  Do you have children or will this dog be around children often? *
Please list all names and ages of additional occupants of your household. *
Are there other pets in the home? If yes, please provide more information about the other pets including names, age, breed, etc. *
Are all of your pets spayed or neutered? *
Are all current dogs licensed? *
If no, please explain why:
Do your pets regularly go to the vets for annual check ups and heartworm tests (for dogs) and exams, shots, etc? *
Do you have an area where a special needs pug can be comfortably isolated from your pets? *
What method will you use to house break a Foster Pug? *
Are you able to provide care to a pug with behavioral issues? *
Pugs sometimes stay in our care for many months. Will you be able to hand a pug over to its Forever Family when the time comes to let it go? *
Have you considered the affect caring for a GMPR pug may have on you, your family or on your pets? *
Is everyone in your household in agreement about caring for Rescued Pugs? *
I agree to allow a representative from Green Mountain Pug Rescue perform a home inspection and conduct an interview with me and my family members. I understand that Green Mountain Pug Rescue will contact my veterinarian, my references, and if applicable, my landlord. My application will be approved or declined based upon the home visit report, the information provided by my references, my veterinarian, my landlord, and my suitability, in GMPR’s opinion, as a potential foster family. I will be informed by the Adoption Coordinator as to whether or not my application has been approved or declined. I am of legal age and have the income and ability to take care of a GMPR Pug. All statements I have made in this application are true and I understand that this application may be rejected if any of the information I have supplied above is found to be false.
I verify, that I have answered these questions truthfully, and that I am at least 21 years old. *
Signature (type in full name) *
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