IPPR Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form

The following information is collected as part of our commitment towards achieving equality of opportunity in our employment practices.

You are not obliged to answer any of the questions, but if you  do so, it will help us with our equality monitoring. In accordance with the Data Protection Act, if you are  employed, the information you provide will be kept and used for internal monitoring of the diversity of our employees only. The information you give in this section will not be disclosed to the interview panel during the recruitment process. If you do not wish to answer any of the question(s), this will not affect your application in anyway.

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Post applied for *
Post reference *
Where did you see this position advertised? *
What gender do you most identify with?
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What is your age?
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What is your ethnicity?
Ethnic origin is not about nationality, place of birth or citizenship. It is about the group to which you perceive you belong.
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What is your sexual orientation?
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What is your religion or belief?
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Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
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What type of school did you mainly attend between the ages of 11 and 16?
If you finished school after 1980, were you eligible for free school meals at any point during your school years?
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Did either of your parents attend university by the time you were 18?
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What was the occupation of your household's main earner when you were aged 14?
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Do one or more of the following statements apply to you?
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