English 2024/2025 Power Packs 
Please complete this form to register your family for Donegal Power Packs.  Packs are delivered to your child's school on Thursdays and taken home via bus, car or walking depending on your child's transportation method.  
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Address *
Phone  *
How many children aged 0-18 live in your home? *
How many adults aged 19-59 live in your home *
 How many people aged 60 or older live in your home? *
Power Packs are sent home on Thursdays from your child's school.   To ensure proper delivery please provide the receiving child's name, grade, teacher (K-6) and bus # .  If you prefer to pick up your pack, please write "pick up" here and we will reach out to you. *
I understand all registering families must complete an income self-declaration form to be eligible for this program.  I will be contacted to schedule my appointment.  *
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