Mindset Masters Bootcamp Registration

This private 4-week bootcamp coaching program will help middle and high school students develop a growth mindset.

WEEK ONE: Understanding the Growth Mindset

Introduce the concept of a growth mindset.

Differentiate between a fixed and a growth mindset.

Encourage self-reflection on personal beliefs about learning and abilities.

WEEK TWO: Embracing Challenges and Learning from Mistakes

Understand the value of challenges and setbacks in the learning process.

Develop strategies to embrace and learn from mistakes.

WEEK THREE: Goal Setting and Developing Resilience

Set personal and academic goals using a growth mindset framework.

Develop resilience and perseverance strategies.

WEEK FOUR: Positive Self-Talk and Celebrating Growth

Practice positive self-talk and affirmations.

Reflect on progress and celebrate growth.


*Clients will be provided an opportunity to deepen their experience in between sessions with meaningful/optional “homework” assignments.

*Each session will be conducted privately and remotely at a convenient day/time and will be 45-60 minutes in length.

*Parents/Guardians will be provided a progress summary following each session.

*Clients will receive unlimited email/text support between sessions.

*Sessions will be facilitated by Success Street, LLC.

*Investment: $600

TO REGISTER: Complete this form AND submit payment ($600) either via Zelle using our email address (success.street.llc@gmail.com) without a transaction fee or via PayPal with a transaction fee. If you prefer PayPal, please kindly indicate that in the question/comment section below and we will forward you an invoice.

Once the form is submitted AND the payment is processed, we will schedule the first session. 

In the meantime, please reach out anytime with any questions. We are here to help!

All the best,

Kristen & Melissa

Success Street, LLC
Kristen Niemczyk-Kistner, Ph.D.
Melissa Dupree, M.S., BCBA

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Email *
Parent/Guardian Name: *
Parent/Guardian Phone:  *
Home Address: 
Child's Full Name: 
Child's Age: 
Child's Grade:  *
Session Topic: 

I understand that Success Street, LLC are not licensed clinical therapists and that I am responsible for all my decisions, actions and feelings. I understand that I cannot take legal action against Success Street, LLC for any reason related to my child’s coaching experience. I understand that the information contained within Success Street, LLC website is not a substitute for professional advice such as a medical doctor, psychiatrist, accountant, lawyer or therapist. I understand that the information provided by Success Street, LLC does not constitute legal or professional advice nor is it intended to be. I understand that any decisions I make, and the consequences thereof are my own. I understand that under no circumstances can I hold Success Street, LLC liable for any actions that my child takes. I agree not to hold Success Street, LLC liable for any loss or cost incurred by me, or any person related or associated with me, as a result of materials or techniques, or coaching, offered by Success Street, LLC. I understand that the information shown on the website or expressed during sessions is intended to be general information with respect to common life issues. I understand that this information is offered in good faith. I do not have to use this information. I will indemnify Success Street, LLC in the event of any such claim, including but not limited to any claims made against the Success Street, LLC by any person related or associated with me. I understand that nothing in the content materials shall be considered legal or financial advice. I understand that Success Street, LLC reserves the right to refuse service for any reason. I understand that results are not guaranteed. I understand that Success Street, LLC holds no responsibility for the actions, choices, or decisions taken or made by me or my child. I understand that diagnosing psychological or medical conditions is for trained medical professionals (Physicians, Psychiatrists and Therapists), not for a Parent or Teen Coach. I understand that all the information shared for billing or for sessions is held confidential as allowed by law. 

I understand that payments for sessions are non-refundable. I understand that payments for missed sessions, or sessions canceled less than 24 hours are non-refundable. 

By entering my full name below, I agree that I have read, understand and accept everything that is stated in these policies and procedures.
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