Round It Up For Change Application
The Morrisville Food Co-op invites Lamoille County nonprofit organizations to apply to become a recipient of the co-op's Round It Up For Change (RIUFC) program.

RIUFC offers Co-op shoppers the option to round up their purchase to the nearest dollar every time they check out. At the end of the collection period, funds are donated to the chosen non-profit. 

Criteria: Organization must be a 501(C)(3) nonprofit registered in Lamoille County Vermont. The organization's work must align with the Co-op's mission. The Morrisville Food Co-op is a community-owned food market, committed to the health and well-being of people, emphasizing local and organic products and supporting a dynamic community open to all. 

Each collection period runs for two months: December. 1-January. 31; February 1 - March 31; April 1-May 31; June 1-July31; and August 1-September 30. October 1-November 30 is reserved for the Co-op's Capital Fund.

Five recipients for the program are chosen via voting by Co-op members during the annual meeting held in October. All organizations that applied will be contacted in November regarding the member voting outcome.

Applications are due by September 15 to be considered for the following year's RIUFC program.
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Email *
Today's Date: *
Organization's Name: *
Is your organization a 501 (c) (3) non-profit? *
Mailing Address: *
Contact Person(s): *
Email for Contact Person: *
Telephone Number for Contact Person: *
Organization's Website URL: *
How does your organization's mission align with the Co-op's mission? *
Please provide a short description of your organization that we can use to promote your organization and to encourage Co-op patrons to "Round It Up for Change."
Is there a special program or project that funds will be used for? Tell us more about it.
We ask that you include the Morrisville Food Co-op where your organization references donors. Additionally, how will your organization promote your partnership with the Co-op and Round It Up For Change?
Thank you for your interest in the RIUFC program. 
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