BoR ACTION 09/27/23
The time to act is now. This coming week on Wednesday, September 27th, we can make sure the Board of Regents (BoR) hear our demands. This very well could be the biggest opportunity to make the BoR face their biggest mistake: that it’s past time to invest in graduate workers.
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What are your demands from the Regents (i.e., what do you care about)? *
Will you be there at the Poli Ed Hour and/or GMM on Tuesday, September 26th to plan/prepare? *
Will you be there on Wednesday, September 27th at 3:00 PM? *
Will you be there on Wednesday, September 27th at 2:00 PM to make signs? *
Can you commit to telling 10 or more people? *
Do you need assistance getting to the Levitt Center on September 27th?
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