FUMC Vacation Bible School Registration
When: August 19th - 23rd (9am - 12pm daily)
Event Address: 106 N. Sycamore St. Fremont, NC 27830
Contact us at: 919-738-5648 or fefdavis@gmail.com
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Parent's Name *
Child 1 - Name and Age/Grade Completed *
Child 2 - Name and Age/Grade Completed *
Child 3 - Name and Age/Grade Completed *
Child 4 - Name and Age/Grade Completed *
Address *
Email *
Phone Number
(Please list Cell, Home, Work, etc.)
Home Church (if any)
(Please also list any friends your child may have from FUMC)
Does your child have any allergies? *
Dietary restrictions *
Emergency Contacts:
(Please List two persons, and a Phone Number where they can be reached)
Name of Person(s) who may pick up your child/children *
Photo Release:
(FUMC/VBS has my permission to use my child's photograph publicly in VBS materials. I understand the images may be used in print publications, online publications, presentations, websites, and social media. I also understand that no royalty, fee or other compensation shall become payable to me by reason of such use.)
2024 VBS  Mission Endeavor
During VBS this year we will be collecting an offering to support the WASH initiative through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) seeks to provide access to clean drinking water and sanitation and hygiene products to communities throughout the world who might lack these most basic of needs. All offerings collected during VBS will go directly to supporting this vital mission of the United Methodist Church. Please join us in making a difference throughout the world!
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