Customer Feedback
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Name *
What home improvement project did Four Oaks Builders perform for you? *
Click all that apply
How satisfied were you with the INITIAL CONSULTATION from your Four Oaks Contractor? *
Very satisfied
Comments regarding the INITIAL CONSULTATION:
How satisfied were you with the CREW(S) that worked on your home? *
Very satisfied
Comments regarding our CREW(S):
How satisfied are you with the FUNCTION of your final PRODUCT? *
Very satisfied
How satisfied are you with the APPEARANCE of your final PRODUCT? *
Very satisfied
Comments regarding your final PRODUCT:
How satisfied are you with your overall PROCESS of working with Four Oaks Builders? *
(Scheduling, Communication with contractor and crew, Invoicing)
Very Satisfied
Comments regarding the overall PROCESS:
Have you visited our website?
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If so, did you find it helpful? Why or why not?
Considering your overall Four Oaks experience, what did we do well?
Considering your overall Four Oaks experience, what could we do better?
What is the likelihood you would refer someone to consider using Four Oaks Builders for their upcoming project?   *
Very likely
Do you give Four Oaks Builders permission to use your feedback for promotional materials? *
Only your first name and city will be used (ex. - Jack ~ Charlotte, NC)
Do you have any other feedback, comments, or questions for us?
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