Get your copy of Watts the Deal?

Thanks to funding from UCL’s Bartlett faculty, we have some copies of Watts the Deal? to give away. If you or your organisation would like to receive one or more copies, please register your interest using the below form.

So that we can allocate the games most effectively, we are asking for a little detail on how you plan to use it. We will be prioritising planned uses for things like public engagement and teaching.

We are sending out the games free of charge, but in return would love for people who get copies to let us know how you’ve been using them and if you have any feedback. 

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Email *
How do you expect to use the game? Please mention things like who you would expect to play with, the aims, possible numbers, is this a one-off use, etc. *
When playing with larger groups it can be useful to have more than one copy. If you think this applies to you, please explain here, mentioning how many copies you think you may need. In experience, one copy is OK for game sessions with up to about 12 people (playing in teams). *
Would you be happy to lend your copy of the game to other nearby organisations if they contact us?
When we have distributed our existing stock of games, we may have to charge for copies. What do you think would be a fair price? 
Your name *
Your organisation (if applicable)
Address for postage *
Where did you hear about Watts the Deal? *
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