Pandemic Professors: Student Application / Solicitud de Estudiante
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Pandemic Professors was founded during Spring 2020 by a group of recent University of California, Berkeley grads in order to connect students with tutors during the COVID-19 pandemic. More than three years in, we are excited to continue to offer a 100% free service as a purely volunteer-run non-profit organization. 

After you submit this application, we will send you a Parent/Guardian Release Form. Once we have received the signed release, we will begin to pair your student with one of our tutors.

Please note: Though we try our best to accommodate all new inquiries, filling out this form does not guarantee a spot in our organization.

IMPORTANT: Pandemic Professors is NOT a special education program. We do not have the staff, infrastructure, or training to treat or diagnose any student who has special education needs. We do occasionally have volunteer tutors with this background and so if they are available we will match them to your student. However, this is not guaranteed. Additionally, being matched to a tutor with some background in special education should not be considered as treatment for any diagnosis.

If you have any questions about this form or our services, please contact us at

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Email *
We want to make sure we've got your email right since this is how we'll be contacting you. What's that email address, again? *
What is your name (first and last)? *
What is your relationship to the student? We ask because once you submit this application, we will need a parent/guardian (or someone who can give permission for the student to receive tutoring) to sign an agreement before the student can get matched to a tutor. *
What is your student's name  (first and last)? If you are submitting on behalf of more than one student, please submit a separate form for each one. *
What is your phone number? If we have trouble contacting you via email, we may text or call you instead. *
Grade of your student. If you are applying on behalf of more than one student, separate forms are required. *
What school does your student attend? *
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