Why hello there!
Thank you for taking the time to fill in the Wired Productions Beta and Playtest sign up form. Your taking part in any of our Betas really helps the development process and your feedback really makes a difference. Honestly, we love you for it! Once you sign up to any game, your name gets sent straight off to the mighty Beta Guru (AKA Steve in community) who makes post-it notes on his desk. Once we have dates for a beta sign up, Steve will then checks his notes and will get in touch with all the details you'll need, including how to access and how to report any issues. At anytime you can head into our Discord (https://discord.gg/wiredp) to talk to us direct!

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Which games Beta would you like to sign up to? All betas may have different system requirements. Please check them in there relevant Discords. *
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