Stop Danskammer Coalition- General Membership form for Organizations, Businesses, Faith-based Congregations & Individuals
Do you oppose the expansion of the Danskammer fracked gas plant in Newburgh, NY? We're looking for organizations, businesses, clubs, houses of worship, community groups, individuals, etc to become members of the Stop Danskammer Coalition!
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Contact Number *
Email address *
I am joining the Stop Danskammer Coalition on behalf of *
What is the name of your organization, business, club, congregation, group? (Please type "Individual" if you're representing yourself) *
Where is your organization or business located?
Are you authorized to add your organization, business, club, etc to Stop the Danskammer Coalition's membership? *
Are you or your group, business, congregation, etc interested in any of the following? *
Website address or link to your organization/business facebook group
Want to be added to the Stop Danskammer google group? If yes, you'll receive frequent updates a few times a week. If no, we'll still send out occasional updates a few times a month.
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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