Arts Education Exchange: SOUNDeSCAPES 2022 Application Form
Arts Education Exchange invites young and emerging musicians and multidisciplinary artists aged 15-19 to collaborate and create new work inspired by the sounds of Margate.

Please apply by filling out this short form by 6pm on Monday 18th July. If you want someone to help you to fill out the form, or would like to apply via another format (e.g. telephone call, written in the post, etc), please get in touch and we can arrange that for you. Contact Alice on or on 07593 255322 (phone, text or WhatsApp).

SOUNDeSCAPES important information:

What is it:
A week-long programme for young and emerging musicians and multidisciplinary artists based around wellbeing and mental health.

When is it:
Monday 15th - Friday 19th August 2022, 10am - 4pm (with a performance at 7pm on the final day)

Where is it:
Arts Education Exchange, 59 Northdown Road, Margate CT9 2RJ

Who is it for:
Young and emerging musicians and multidisciplinary artists based in Thanet and East Kent, aged 15-19.

Escape the everyday, and let your voice be heard.

Get your applications in by 6pm on Monday 18th July, and if you have any questions at all, contact Alice on, or on 07593 255322 (phone, text or WhatsApp).

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First name *
Surname *
This means how you would like to be referred to when your name is not being used. For example - 'SHE is going to play the guitar' or 'THEY are going to try out some music production today.' You can tick multiple pronouns if that applies to you.
Date of birth *
Phone number *
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