Petition to make Selby Flats Flatter
Whereas the proposed Selby Flats is a five-story apartment in a two-story neighborhood; and,
Whereas there is no alley to buffer the immensity of the structure, making it an imposition on its neighbors; and,
Whereas the neighbors were not informed of this proposal prior to the District Council’s approval of its rezoning; and,
Whereas the St. Paul Zoning Committee did not seriously consider the neighbors’ testimony,
We do hereby submit this petition to the City Council of St. Paul, Mayor Melvin Carter, the St. Paul Department of Planning and Economic Development, and the Union Park District Council:
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I hereby petition that any further approvals of Selby Flats (1708-1716 Selby Avenue) be suspended until its height can be reduced at least two floors, thereby balancing the need for population density with upholding the quality of life in the surrounding neighborhood. Signed: (Put Name Below) *
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