Report a Suspected Threat
The purpose of this form is to identify individuals who are at risk for violence against themselves or others.

A threat of violence against one's self or others includes, but is not limited to, the following:
  • Verbal Threats
  • Threats of Self Harm
  • Fighting
  • Use or Possession of a Weapon
  • Sexual Assault
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Dating Violence
  • Stalking 
  • Assault.
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Please Identify the individual you believe is at risk for violence against themselves or others. *
Please explain in detail the behaviors, words, or circumstances that have led you to believe this person may be at risk for violence against themselves or others. *
Are you aware of a specific plan this individual has to harm themselves or others? *
If you answered "Yes" to the question above, please provide all of the details you are currently aware of.  

The most important information includes: 
1. The intended target
2. How they plan to harm themselves or others
3. When they intend to carry out this plan.
Please identify the group below that best represents you. *
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