MCTM CONNECT Night Registration
MCTM CONNECT: CONNECTing pre-service teachers and early-career teachers in their first five years to the Minnesota PK-12+ mathematics community.

Thursday, April 11th from 7:30–8:45, we are hosting our annual CONNECT Night for pre-service and early-career teachers as a precursor to the annual MCTM Spring Conference. The CONNECT Night is a FREE event.

The night will consist of a short program and networking. You will get an opportunity to talk to conference veterans and hear their recommendations on which conference sessions to attend. There will also be door prizes at the end of the hour.

Please register below so we can plan accordingly. This registration is only for the CONNECT Night and *not* for the spring conference. Go to to register for the full MCTM Spring Conference.
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First name *
Last name *
Permanent email address (non-college/university, non-school-based) *
Name of the university you are attending or the school where you are teaching *
What is your current status? *
Which grade levels are you interested in teaching or currently teaching? *
Are you attending the MCTM Spring Conference? *
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