Let's Talk about Love: Bridging the gap between the affective and cognitive domains
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Session Description:
In this workshop, we will dissect the construct of love and examine how it may manifest itself in our teaching and learning experiences.

We will then apply the construct of love through the lens of cognitive psychologist Robert Gagne specifically his nine events of instruction that can be used as a connecting bridge between the affective and cognitive domains of learning.

Participants will leave with a framework that can be used for course design and instructional delivery.

This workshop is timely as some of us get ready to celebrate Valentine's Day.

Facilitator: Julaine Fowlin, Assistant Director, CFT

Questions? Contact julaine.fowlin@vanderbilt.edu

Date:  February 11, 2021

Time: 2:00 - 3:30 (CST)

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In a few sentences please share a teaching experience or moment that was rewarding to you. We will discuss these experiences in the workshop.
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(If you are primarily a VUMC employee, please use your VUMC ID)
Vanderbilt University is committed to providing universal access to all of our events. Will you need disability accommodations for this event? Advance notice is necessary to arrange for some accessibility needs. Please contact Juliet Traub at cft@vanderbilt.edu or 615-322-7290 to request disability accommodations. *
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