Тренировочные задания по лексике (существительные и прилагательные)
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1. But it is far enough away that early explorers had  ________ finding it. DIFFICULT
1 point
2.    It is home to an  ________ volcano and huge amounts of ice. ACTIVE
1 point
3.   In recent years, Bouvet Island has had a little more  ________ with the world. INTERACT
1 point
4.   Today, this quiet island near the South Pole sends weather data to a satellite, which transmits the information to  ________ in Norway. RESEARCH
1 point
5.   For centuries, cats have guarded this  ________ museum, ridding it of mice, rats, and other rodents that could damage the art. FAME
1 point
6.   Later Catherine the Great declared the cats to be  ________ guardians of the galleries. OFFICE
1 point
7.   When a fire broke out in the museum in September 2017, it wasn’t so much the fate of its magnificent art  ________ that worried people. COLLECT
1 point
8.   The first settlers were  ________. (5) They were not asked if they wanted to come. PRISON
1 point
9.   There was, however, one big  ________. DIFFER
1 point
10.   One night he did not come back and a group went out to search for him. When Nuttall heard them in the ______ , he was frightened. DARK
1 point
11.   The Phantom of the Opera, Cats, Mama Mia… They are all stage musicals. The opening night of a new musical is always a ________________ event.
1 point
12.   Protecting the environment is now a major concern in Britain. But despite many efforts __________________ threats to the environment remain. VARY
1 point
13.   The new gum was very ______ and popular with customers. Although Diemer never received a patent for his invention, he sold the recipe to his company and became a senior vice president. SUCCESS
1 point
14.   Their main aim is to ban the cruel treatment and killing of animals both in laboratory experiments and in factory farming. The irresponsible and neglectful treatment of animals by some zoo and pet ______ is also their concern. OWN
1 point
15.   ______ think that India, China and the United States will continue to be countries with the biggest population. RESEARCH
1 point
16.   Increased tourism provides regional and national economic benefits. It also presents an ongoing challenge to balance conservation of _________ values and tourists' needs. CULTURE
1 point
17.   However, not everyone wants to move to California. In recent years forest fires, floodings and earthquakes have left thousands of people ______ . HOME
1 point
18.   A few years have passed. Now I work as a sound engineer in a musical theatre. And my brother drives an ambulance! Life is sometimes illogical and unpredictable, and that is what makes it so ________! AMAZE
1 point
19.   The growth of tourism infrastructure related to the base of Ayers Rock, or Uluru began in the 1950s. Soon it started to produce adverse ______ impacts. ENVIRONMENT
1 point
20.   Every year the world goes dark for one hour, the Earth Hour. The event is organised by the __________________ World Wildlife Fund. NATION
1 point
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