Student Feedback of National Service Scheme (NSS) For Academic Year 2022-23
Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj’s, Arts, Commerce & Science College Dindori
Umrale Road, Near Govt. ITI, Tal. Dindori, Dist. Nashik - 422 202 (Maharashtra)
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Email address *
Enter URN *
Name of the student: *
Class: *
Mobile No: *
Are you aware of the aims & objective of the NSS program? *
How often does NSS unit call upon the meeting of volunteers *
Does college has sufficient infrastructural facility for NSS unit *
Does your NSS unit display all the notices and information regarding various activities? *
Does the NSS unit carried out activities related to social benefits? *
Does NSS unit organize lectures of experts/ social workers outside the college? *
Does NSS unit give refreshment to students after “sharmadan”? *
Does the NSS unit make all the winter camp? *
Does the NSS unit select and felicitated the best volunteers of the year? *
Which NSS Activity have you enjoyed the most till date? *
Suggestion if any:
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