March 2023 - Rubric for the Evaluation of Portfolio of Divya Sheta

Dear viewers of my digital portfolio,

I would like to extend a warm welcome to you all to explore my e-portfolio world. As you go through my portfolio, I kindly request that you evaluate it based on a set of parameters that have been provided. Please take the time to carefully review each parameter and provide your honest feedback.

If you happen to come across any errors or mistakes, I would greatly appreciate it if you could bring them to my attention so that I may rectify them.

Thank you for taking the time to evaluate my digital portfolio. Your feedback is invaluable to me and will help me to continuously improve my portfolio.

Portfolio Link:

Best regards, Divya Sheta

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1. Does this DP display 'Integrative thinking'?  (Integrative thinking is the ability and habit to recognize relationships among ideas and experiences that are not routinely thought of as related)
No. It does not or it least displays. . .
Yes. It most displays. In an amazing way it displays integrative thinking
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2. Does this DP display 'Reflective thinking'? (Reflective thinking is the ability and habit of looking back at previous learning and setting those experiences in a new context created by subsequent learning) *
No. It does not or least displays . . .
Yes. It most displays. In an amazing way. . .
3. Does this DP display 'Thinking in Community'? (Thinking in Community is the ability and habit of seeking connections between your learning and the learning of others in the class / community)
No. It does not or least displays . . .
Yes. It most displays. In an amazing way. . .
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4. Does this DP display 'Thinking in context'? (Thinking in context is the ability and habit of seeking connections between what you learned in college and relating those connections to subjects, debate and discussion in the wider world.
No. It does not or least displays . . .
Yes. It most displays. In an amazing way. . .
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5. Does this DP document the academic journey? (Are all assignments, presentations, videos etc displayed on DP?)
No. Most of it is missing
Yes. It has documented evenrything
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6. Keeping a portfolio also helps you reflect about that 'professional brand' ... in other words it can be a tool for self-reflection. In that sense it is not used to simply 'show off'. How far is this achieved by this student?
Not at all.
Yes. By and large it is achieved
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7. Digital portfolios allow for practicing digital citizenship, get Googled, share quality projects for college entrance, provide authentic connections outside the classroom, show understanding etc. How far is this achieved by this student?
Not at all.
Yes. By and large it is achieved
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8. Portfolios help students develop a sense of belonging and to own their learning. How far is this achieved by this student?
Not at all.
Yes. By and large it is achieved
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9. The most important value of a digital portfolio is the intrinsic boost to a student's self-confidence. They can clearly see their own accomplishments. That self-confidence is a key to the student's future success. How far is this achieved by this student?
Not at all.
Yes. By and large it is achieved
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10. Digital literacy & Web presence: It is imperative that in 2023, students be able to curate, archive and expand on the work they are producing in class. Today’s education m10ust help students authentically learn important digital citizenship lessons.  Education must students to internalize the core subject as well as vital digital literacy skills such as creating their own digital web presence and learning to effectively and purposefully share their learning with the world. (Holly Clark). Do you feel that this studen10. Digital literacy & Web presence: It is imperative that in 2023, students be able to curate, archive and expand on the work they are producing in class. Today’s education m10ust help students authentically learn important digital citizenship lessons.  Education must students to internalize the core subject as well as vital digital literacy skills such as creating their own digital web presence and learnit has fulfilled this?
Not at all.
Yes. By and large it is achieved
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Any other observations / suggestions / comments
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