TGL Elementary Basketball League Interest Form
We are excited for the return of the Elementary Basketball League. Please complete this form to express interest in participating in the Spring 2025 (February - April) League. An information session will take place in October 2024 to share additional information.  If you should have any questions, then please reach out to us (
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School Name *
Principal's Name *
Principal's Email *
Which season are you interested in your school participating in? (Check all that apply) *
For the upcoming seasons, all participating schools will need to be able to host basketball games. Do you currently have a full basketball court at your school? *
If you do not have a full basketball court at your school, then it is suggested that you partner with your feeder pattern middle/high school or a community organization. Will you be able to solidify a gym to host basketball games? *
Please name the school contact person for the basketball league (Name, Email, Phone Number) *
Please share any questions, comments, or concerns pertaining to the basketball league?
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