Join the Burke-Paine Society!

The Burke-Paine Society (BPS) is launching bipartisan "salon-style" gatherings all over the country and will produce top quality educational content to help people reconnect with friends and family across the aisle and learn new perspectives.  

Please fill out the following form and BPS leadership will be in contact as soon as we can. -- share it with your friends!
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Email *
Phone number *
Last name *
First name *
City *
State *
Zip code *
What is your interest level? *
Do you embrace the Burke-Paine Society's core values of inclusiveness, empathy, curiosity, and humility? *
Do you accept that the Burke-Paine Society will neither permit hate speech nor shy away from emotionally-charged topics? *
Do you accept that the Burke-Paine Society will not engage in partisan political activity, lobbying, or grassroots influence? *
What do you want the BPS motto to be?
How would you characterize your political views?
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Name the single greatest obstacle to cross-partisan dialogue.
What kind of educational materials are most needed to support a cross-partisan dialogue?
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