Moose Sighting Report Form
DEC, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Cornell University's Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit and Animal Health Diagnostic Center, the Biodiversity Research Institute and the Wildlife Conservation Society Adirondack Program are conducting a multi-year research project to obtain information on the status of New York State's moose population, health of the moose, and the factors that influence moose survival and reproductive rate. The goal of the Adirondack moose study is to gather data that will be used to create a moose management plan for New York State.

DEC and its research partners are also seeking information from the public regarding moose sightings to provide data for this study. The information you provide in the following Moose Sighting Form will be used to inform our study.

Please answer each question regarding your moose sighting to the best of your ability.
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