Find out if your daughter (or a young female student) shows signs of ADHD.  

If she doesn’t have many symptoms now, it doesn’t rule out ADHD as  these behaviors may be more apparent when the demands on her increase. 

If she struggles with many of the behaviors listed below at home and school, at least three times a week, and the behaviors persist over time, discuss your concerns with your family physician. 

 A copy of your responses will be emailed to you. 

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I am a  *
If other, please describe
I am completing this form on *
If other, please describe
What is your daughter (or young female student's) age? *
How did you find this questionnaire? Check all that apply. *
If other, please describe
Inattentiveness *
Difficulty Maintaining Attention *
Poor Listening Skills *
Organization and Forgetfulness *
Restlessness and Impulsivity *
Emotional Dysregulation *
Socially Awkward *
Anxious Behaviors *
Heightened Sensory Issues *
Comments and questions
*Additional behaviors sometimes observed in girls with ADHD: bedwetting, acting silly, nail biting, picking at cuticles or skin, and poor handwriting.

If your daughter frequently exhibits several of these behaviors and they interfere with her daily functioning, it is crucial to seek a professional evaluation.

Early diagnosis and appropriate interventions can significantly improve her academic and social outcomes.  

Keep your responses to the questionnaire for future reference as occasionally the described behaviors will become noticeable when the demands on the child increase.  

If your daughter doesn't have many symptoms now, it doesn't rule out ADHD in the future.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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