Open Letter from 100Kin10 and Partners: If We Want Our Students to Thrive, Their Teachers Must Thrive
Please join leaders across sectors as we publicly reconfirm our shared conviction that teachers are the cornerstone of our democracy.  With all that is happening, it can be powerful to take a moment to affirm both the central role of teachers in shaping the lives of young people and the basic supports teachers need to flourish, so that their students, too, can flourish.

Please join us by signing your name to this letter [] by May 14.  Professional affiliation is for identification purposes only.  Thank you for all you do to advance teaching and learning for our kids and our country. We are honored to work alongside you.

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Open Letter Dissemination and Usage
The Open Letter is now live on Medium and has been sent to several media outlets.. Alongside earned media, we’ll be disseminating the letter through a concentrated social media effort, including targeted twitter ad buys. We will also encourage all signers to amplify the letter to their networks and will provide a social media toolkit to aid those efforts. We will be regularly adding new signatures to the letter.
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