Spudnik Call to Action / Volunteer Coordination
This form was created by board member Patti Swanson as a way to figure out how to best assemble volunteers into teams that can tackle specific objectives.

If you signed up already by emailing Patti or writing your info down on the physical sign-up sheets, we already have your information! But feel free to fill this form out too, to provide additional details about your working preferences and availability.

What will be done with the information I input into this form?
  • The Spudnik Board (Patti, Dutes, Amira, and Chris) or staff will likely contact you by email to connect you to other members with the same interests. 
  • We will make a suggestion as to the best methodology for your working group to continue the conversation (based on your responses here).
  • We will provide initiatives for your working group to tackle (based on our understanding of the organization's needs, and on the community meeting discussion). 
  • In the interest of transparency across the organization, all working groups will need to take notes during their meetings and prepare to share the decisions and progress they make at regular intervals. 
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What is your name? *
What is your email address? *
What are your preferred pronouns? *
Are you a current Spudnik member? *
What areas are you interested in volunteering for? Check all that apply. *
Please indicate which styles of volunteering you are most comfortable with. *
How do you prefer to communicate / work collaboratively? *
We cannot guarantee your specific work group will all agree on the exact same thing, but this can at least help us guide the work group to the common denominator(s). 
I prefer this
I am open to using/doing this
I don't prefer, but know how to use/do this
I don't know, but can learn how to use/do this
I will not, or cannot use this
Meet in person
Google Meet
Google Workspace (ie, Google Docs / Sheets)
Microsoft Teams
In an average week, how many hours do you think you might be able to devote to volunteering? *
We hope to have most volunteers tackle organizational needs together in working groups. The group will need to meet or communicate virtually to decide which individuals will be tackling which specific tasks. 

Independent projects can be completed anytime, on your own schedule. But, meetings or discussions may be part of your commitment as well (so it might not be possible to complete all hours in one single day). As a result we expressed the answers below in both "hours (total per week)" and "amount of days (these hours may be spread across)". 

This is by no means a hard commitment of time and we understand schedules are always in flux. The purpose of asking this question is to help create working groups with strong foundations for equitable participation.
In a typical week, what days/times do you most often have available to volunteer? *
Before noon
Noon to 6pm
After 6pm
Not available this day
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