illumi - Your remote working experience survey
Hello! We are illumi - 
As work evolves, we need tools adapted for modern, distributed teams. 

Your feedback will shape how we collaborate and execute flexibly and efficiently. We appreciate your help in creating this employee-centric, future-ready solution.

You may find our website here: 
Youtube Channel: 

Thank you very much! 

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Email *
What's your current work set up?  *
What is the size of your team working on a particular project?
If you have matrix structure (you have linear manager and project manager), what is the size of your linear (non-project based) team?  *
What are the main communication/collaboration channels used by your team?
Most frequently
Relatively frequent
somewhat frequent
Never used
Video Conferencing (zoom, teams, Webex)
Messaging / Chat (Slack, Teams)
Document Sharing (ex google docs, quip..)
Personal Chats (Whatsapp, Telegram, Line..)
Project Management (Asana, Jira, ClickUp...)
Visual Collaboration (Whiteboard, Miro, Figjam, Mural)
How effective you find these tools for collaboration and co-creation with your colleagues?  *
Super effective, got things done without a problem
Can't complain much, but not optimal
Okay-ish, need improvement
Not very efficient
Not effective nor efficient
Video Conferencing (zoom, teams, Webex)
Messaging / Chat (Slack, Teams)
Document Sharing (ex google docs, quip..)
Personal Chats (Whatsapp, Telegram, Line..)
Project Management (Asana, Jira, ClickUp...)
Visual Collaboration (Whiteboard, Miro, Figjam, Mural)
Where do you typically store your ideas or take random notes?
How likely will you revisit or reuse your ideas captured (as previous question)? *
I always go back to my notes
How often do you need to organise and create report for manager / team mates / customer?  *
How much manual effort typically when you need to create these reports?  *
What are the tasks that you absolutely want someone or AI to do for you at your work or personal?
How do you explain, present, or discuss your new ideas to your remote coworkers or friends? 
Are you a people manager? (you have direct reports) *
What is your operating function? *
What AI Tool are you using at work?  *
Which of below would make you feel "this sounds fantastic?" (choose up to 2)
What AI Tool are you using for your personal needs?  *
Are you willing to join our waitlist and get the latest update from illumi?  *
If you are willing to provide more insight to us, please book a time with us:
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