* Certificate is only reserved for participant who join and complete workshops 1-3
* Certificate will be provided within 14 working days after Workshop 3
* Your seat will be confirmed once your payment is received
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Workshop Schedule & Fee   課程時間及費用
Please select the workshop(s) you want to enroll  請選擇你要報名的課程 *
Participant / Contact Person Details  參加者 / 聯絡人資料
Salutation  稱謂 *
First Name  名字 *
Surname  姓氏
Title  職位 *
Company Name  公司名稱 *
Email  電郵 *
Contact Number  聯絡電話 *
No. of participant(s)  報名人數 *
Workshop Fee Reference 課程費用參考

Group Enrolment (with TWO people or above): HKD$900/person
Standard Course Fee: HKD$1,600/person
.GS1 HK Member : HKD$1,200/person

*The payment details will be sent to you via email once we receive your enrollment

For GS1 HK member, please provide your registered company name on BR
請提供您在 GS1 HK 會員註冊時所用的BR 公司名稱
Personal Information Collection Statement  收集個人資料聲明

Personal data provided by you in this form is to facilitate the process of the survey, record purpose and correspondence and other related purposes.

Owner(s) of the personal data provided by you in this form shall have a right of access and correction with respect to personal data as provided for in sections 18 and 22 and principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy Ordinance) (Cap. 486). His/her/their right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of his/her/their personal data in a way as you provide to the Company in this form.

You must confirm that all personal data provided are collected in accordance and compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) and that the personal data owner(s) concerned has/have been notified that his/her/their personal data may be provided to the Company in a way as you provide to the Company in this form.

You must undertake that other additional personal data you may provide in relation to this form from time to time will be collected from the personal data owner(s) concerned in accordance and compliance with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) and that the personal data owner(s) concerned will be notified that his/her/their personal data may be provided to the Company in a way as you provide to the Company in this form.

For more information, please read the Privacy Agreement on GS1HK Website.

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