#ActivitiesStrong Wisdom Donation
The #ActivitiesStrong Summit is 100% free.
Instead of a monetary donation, we are asking for donations of Wisdom! As an activity or life enrichment professional, do you have words of wisdom that you would be willing to share?
The passion that you have for bringing meaningful resident engagement to every resident is truly a treasure and your insights will help others in this field and beyond.

We will use these for our #ActivitiesStrong initiative

Thank you for participating!

The Linked Senior Team
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What is the wisdom you are willing to share? (Please tell us anything you've learned that you'd like to share about being an activity or life enrichment professional) *
What is your name and organization? (Not required)
I understand and agree that this contribution and my name (if provided) might be used for communication or marketing purpose for the #ActivitiesStrong initiative and/or the Linked Senior team *
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