Slightly Spooky Quiz
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Who is the main character in Tracey Baptiste's book 'The jumbies'? *
10 points
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Who wrote the series called 'Goosebumps'? *
10 points
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What is Noah's surname in Nova Weetman's book ' The speedy spidersaurus'? *
10 points
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Where is Roald Dahl's book 'The Witches' set? *
10 points
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What is Halley, Koby and Mimi's surname in Tuutikki Tolonen's book 'Monster Nanny'? *
10 points
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Who narrated Holly Rivers' book 'Demelza and the Spectre Detectors' on BorrowBox? *
10 points
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Who wrote the book 'The Girl in the Cave'? *
10 points
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How old was Bronte when her parents died in Jaclyn Moriarty and Kelly Canby's book 'The Extremely Inconvenient Adventures of Bronte Mettlestone'? *
10 points
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What is Stella's Nan in Amy Wilson's book 'Shadows of Winterspell'? *
10 points
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What number daughter is Etta in Sean Williams' book 'Her Perilous Mansion'? *
10 points
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