"This Week in Drugs" Listener Survey
"This Week in Drugs" is a weekly podcast about all things drugs and drug policy. We've reached our 50th episode and the end of Season 2. Whether you've listened to one episode or all of our episodes, we thank you and would love your feedback! Please help us improve our show by filling out the quick survey below.
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About You
We want to learn more about who our listeners are, but feel free to skip any question you're not comfortable answering!
What is your age?
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What is your gender?
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Where do you live?
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What is your race/ethnicity?
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What is the highest level of education you completed?
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Are you a member of Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP)?
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What other podcasts, if any, do you listen to?
Outreach & Engagement
Where did you first hear about "This Week in Drugs"?
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How many episodes have you listened to?
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How frequently do you listen to new episodes?
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How do you usually listen to episodes?
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Where should we be promoting our show that we aren't now?
What is your favorite segment of the show?
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Which was your favorite episode or guest?
How much should we discuss the following topics or issues?
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We're considering seeking sponsors for the show in order to cover costs and advertise to get new listeners. What kind of ads would you be comfortable having on TWiD?
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Is there any other feedback you'd like to provide?
Thank you for taking the time to fill out our survey!
We'll be sending a pack of TWiD stickers to a random person who completes the survey! If you want to be entered in the drawing, please provide your email address:
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