Invitation to “The Challenges of Logistics Technology - Opportunities and Innovation” Conference
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It is our great pleasure to announce that the Logistics & Transportation (LT) Division and Manufacturing & Industrial (MI) Division of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers will join force to organize the “The Challenges of Logistics Technology - Opportunities and Innovation” conference on September 27, 2018 in Hong Kong.
The conference will take place in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Room S221). This half-day (afternoon) event features prominent speakers from academic institutes, technology professionals and key business leaders from renowned international corporations. Market insights and innovations at the forefront of smart logistics, automation and technology will be shared during the conference. Among the well-known luminaries who will be sharing their valuable insights (tentative plan) are:

Guest of Honour:

1. Frank CHAN, JP - Secretary for Transport & Housing, the HKSAR
2. Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-kwok, SBS, MH, JP - Legislative Councillor for Engineering Constituency, the HKSAR

Keynote Session:

1. Kelvin KO - Group Vice President, BPS Global Group
2. Dixin CHEN - Chief Engineer, Sinomach Materials Handling Research Institute, Beijing
3. Eric CHONG - President & CEO, Siemens Ltd.
4. Kevin CHAN - Chairman, Store Friendly Self Storage Group
5. Simon WONG - CEO, LSCM R&D Centre (under HKSAR ITC)

More than 300 attendees are expected to join the conference, of which they include HK Legislative Council Representative, senior ranked officers from the HKSAR Government Transport Department, business leaders, specialists from the public and private sectors, logistics associations’ leaders, engineers and industrial practitioners.

Details of the Conference are as follows:

Date:  27 September 2018 (Thursday)
Time:  13:30 - 17:30
Organizer: The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers  
Venue: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Room: S221)
Fee:  Free
Language: Presentation in English, Cantonese or Putonghua (presentation materials will be in English)

You are cordially invited to join the “The Challenges of Logistics Technology - Opportunities and Innovation” Conference and please fill out the below form to register our Conference. Your registration by 20 September 2018 (Thursday) will be much appreciated. If you have any queries regarding the conference, please do not hesitate to contact Secretariat of Conference Organizing Committee, Gloria Lam at 3898 1386 or Jo Ng at 3898 1315.
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