Employee Health Screening
LADPH Guidelines (9/20/2021)


Staff are required to complete an illness/health assessment at home each day, prior to beginning work, by reviewing the two questions below.

If you answer YES to question 1 or 2 below, please do not come to work.  Please enter your absence in Frontline. If you answer YES to question 3, you may come to work.  You will not be allowed to stay at work and must immediately return home, using the appropriate sick days or leave.  Please contact your immediate supervisor should you have any questions or concerns.

** CLOSE CONTACT is defined as: Being within 6 feet for >15 cumulative minutes in a 24-hour period with a potentially infected individual or direct contact with bodily fluids/secretions (being coughed on) from a potentially infected individual. Close contact can occur while caring for, living with, visiting, or sharing a healthcare waiting area or room with a potentially infected individual.
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Last, First Name (If not using an @tusd.org email address)
Work Location *
Are you experiencing any symptoms such as current or recent fever (100.4° or higher) or feeling feverish (chills, sweating); cough; shortness of breath; new loss of taste or smell; fatigue; runny or stuffy nose; muscle or body aches; headache; sore throat; nausea or vomiting; diarrhea? *
Have you been in close contact** with a person known to be infected with COVID-19 in the last 10 days? *
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