RSVP to observe an upcoming Chicago Park District - SEIU 73 bargaining session
We have the right to open bargaining, which means any member is welcome to observe our bargaining sessions! Only union members can attend, and observers are not allowed to speak or disrupt the bargaining session. You can only attend when you are NOT on work time, so please join us during a scheduled break or when you are off work. 

Upcoming Bargaining dates:

Tuesday, Jan 30, 10am-12pm at CPD Headquarters (4830 S Western Ave)
Tuesday, Feb 6, 10am-12pm at SEIU Local 73 (300 S Ashland Ave, 4th floor)

 Contact Anna Wood ( with any questions.
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Full name: *
Job title and park location *
Please select the dates you will be coming to observe bargaining. Please note, all end times are approximate, sometimes we will end a bit earlier or later. We will do our best to keep you informed of changes.  *
Approximately what time(s) do you plan to attend on the date you're coming? (this will help us keep you informed of any changes to the schedule, etc).  *
As a reminder you should only attend on non-work time (on a break or before or after work, or on pre-planned benefit time- not sick time).
Cell phone number *
Personal email address (not work email): *
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