Characteristics of Life
This is a Check for Understanding of the characteristics of life.  You will be able to see your score and edit your responses to correct answers.
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True or False? *
7 points
Pooping is a form of excretion
Sexual reproduction increases genetic variation in a species
Viruses are considered to be living
Metabolism is the sum of all the chemical reactions in a cell
Unicellular organisms can maintain homeostasis
Prokaryotic cells have a more complex cell structure than eukaryotic cells
An individual can adapt to its environment.
A tadpole goes through metamorphosis to become a frog. Which characteristic of life does this process demonstrate? *
1 point
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What type of reproduction is shown? *
1 point
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What type of reproduction is shown? *
1 point
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What characteristic of life is shown in the image? *
1 point
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What characteristic of life is shown in the image? *
1 point
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How does this organism obtain energy and matter? *
1 point
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How does the zebra obtain energy and matter? *
1 point
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How does the cheetah obtain energy and matter? *
1 point
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On a cold day you can see your exhaled breath.  What characteristic of life are you witnessing? *
1 point
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