VVSD Operation Snowball & STARS Adult Staff  2023-2024
Thank you so much for partnering with us to support and lead the Students Staff members for Operation Snowball! 

Snowball is a student lead, adult guided program. We are looking for adult volunteers to join us in our training and planning for our event and offer support to our student leaders. Student leaders will be paired with an adult volunteer who can offer them support while prepping for the event. On the day of the event, adult volunteers will guide and support student leaders during their small group discussions and various activities throughout the day. 

VVSD will be hosting Operation Snowball on May 4th-5th, 2024.  .
Team Planning Meetings will be Thursday Nights 6:300pm-8:30pm at Heart Haven Outreach
Out first Planning Meeting will be Feb 8th. 
201 Canterbury Ln, Unit C, Bolingbrook, IL 60440

Operation Snowball is an international youth program that empowers student leaders through prevention education, community advocacy, and leadership development to create a positive impact.

VVSD Operation Snowball is powered by Heart Haven Outreach

If you have any questions at all please feel free to reach out to our Outreach Events Manager, Cassie Simchak, at csimchak@hearthavenoutreach.org
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Name *
First and last name
Email *
Phone number *
Have you been involved with STARS or Operation Snowball in past years? *
Are you able to attend the Staff Planning Meetings? (Adult Leaders will not be required to attend every single meeting, but will be expected to attend the majority of meetings) *
How did you hear about this opportunity? *
Snowball Adult Staff members are leaders who have a heart for pouring into our OS teen leaders. What is something that excites you about this role/being involved? *
Is there anything else that you feel would be beneficial for me to know?
Thank You for your Leadership!
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