State of Small business- Wake Co/Raleigh
We are the voice for our members and are seeking your input to help us identify the temperature of all small businesses in Wake Co. and potential strategies on how we may be able to help.
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What state do you feel your business is in compared to the first few months of the pandemic
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Are you hopeful that vaccinations will increase business?
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Did holiday sales give you enough of a boost to survive through the pandemic?
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What do you think the state or city should or could do to support your business? (Specify State and/or City)
What does your business need the most immediate help on/with?
What is your perception of Shop Local Raleigh?
What conversations/discussions should we be having in our community?
What keeps you up at night about your business?
How can Shop Local Raleigh help you?
What's the question we haven't asked and answer you want to provide for that question?
Is your business still closed due to the pandemic?
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What town is your business located?
If you or your employees are working remotely, when do you plan on returning to the workplace?
Your contact information ONLY if you wish to be contacted:
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