Class-7,Winds Storms and Cyclones
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Q1) A Curtain is hanging at the entrance of a room. A long corridor runs at right angles to the door, that is parallel to the curtain. If a strong wind blows along the corridor, the curtain will *
1 point
Q2) Temporary submergence of large areas is called *
1 point
Q3) When wind speed increases, air pressures *
1 point
Q4) The direction of airflow is also affected by Earth's rotation. It is called *
1 point
Q5) An instrument used to study the speed of winds is called *
1 point
Q6) Benjamin Franklin invented *
1 point
Q7) The words has been derived from Arabic word Mausam which means season. The word is *
1 point
Q8) With increase in temperature, atmospheric pressure *
1 point
Q9) Which one of the following is NOT recommended during Lightening or thunderstorm? *
1 point
Q10) Dark funnel shaped cloud reaches to earth from sky is called *
1 point
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