Labour YIMBY Councillor Network - Sign Up
Labour YIMBY Councillor Network - Sign Up

Labour YIMBY will be launching a Councillor network to support pro-housing and pro-growth members of local Government. The aim of the network is to provide advice and assistance to those in local government positions to push for more pro-house building policies in their area, whether that be in Local Plans or when looking at how to bring development to their area.

We will aim to have several online meetings to get the group established and then move to more strategic and political training that compliments and goes beyond what the LGA offer. 

If you are interested then please sign up with your Council Email address below and let us know what you would like to learn more about.

Cllr Shama Tatler - Labour YIMBY, Local Government
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Email *
Full Name *
Council *
How long have you been a sitting Councillor? *
What is the size of your Labour Group and do you have a majority? *
Do you currently hold a position in your council? If so, what *
Are there any specific challenges in your area? *
What would you like to learn more about or want advice on?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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