Android Security Malware Report Form
Please let our team know if you find an app that you believe is classified as malware (or, "Potentially Harmful Applications" - PHA). Our full taxonomy, outlining app categories that pose a potential security risk to users or their data, can be found at

If you would like to report an app that you believe violates the Google Play Developer Distribution Agreement, please instead report the app via the Play Console Help 'Report Inappropriate Apps' form:
כדי לשמור את הטיוטה אפשר להיכנס לחשבון Google. מידע נוסף
Email *
Your Name *
Your Organization
If you represent an entity, school, think-tank etc.
Package name(s) *
e.g. (comma separated if you have multiple packages to report)
Is this app on the Google Play Store? *
SHA256 digest or Play Store link *
Details of the issue
Does this involve an existing or pending publication? (e.g. blog post, news article, research paper etc.) *
For GitHub links, please provide them under the "Details of the issue" section instead.
ניקוי הטופס
אין לשלוח סיסמאות באמצעות Google Forms.
הטופס הזה נוצר בתוך